For $12.99 you can watch the most amazing movie of this year.
Pierre Louis Costes, double world champion of bodyboarding has worked for several years to propose a unique work. 10 sequences on the spots which counted the most in his career: Morocco, Canaries, California, Hawaii, Ireland, Chile, Australia, Portugal, Indonesia... with some guests like Amaury Lavernhe, Nick Gornall, Tanner Mc Danniel, Jared Houston, Mike Stewart.
Plus qu'un film de bodyboard, un film sur la passion de l'Océan, la quête d'un athlète et d'un perfectionniste du surf au sens premier du terme, celui de surfer une vague quelle que soit la planche utilisée. La planche n'étant qu'un moyen de pro
Previews have been held around the world, each one sold out and leaving between 300 and 800 people speechless per screening.
Take an hour for yourself and enjoy watching TENDER and chances are you'll have a second viewing and invite a few friends to share the moment!
Go to Movement Magazine to purchase the film